Hebrews 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
The NIV Bible Commentary says, "It is that trust in God that enables believers to press on steadfastly whatever the future holds for them. They know they can rely on God."
When the Clawsons left we were down......wondering what are we going to do about staff now? But we continued to press on steadfastly and see what the future holds for us...because we can rely on God. We knew that we just had to have faith and trust that God was still in control because like the title of the previous post....this is Small Potatoes in God's Eyes!
Just Sunday night I, Cathy, was talking to a couple people about what we were doing about looking for staff. I shared I've been looking at resume's online that I can access through different sites, getting on every day looking for different ones. But it doesn't make since to post our job listing anywhere for houseparent job and spend $300 to $500 because when I look at other facilities like ours looking for somebody to fill houseparenting positions. They are offering a lot more money than what we can offer. So I told them that we just have to totally trust that God will have that special couple find our website and email us about the job opening. Guess what we have received an email on Monday morning and this morning from two different families that came across the help wanted sign on our website. Isn't God awesome....I mentioned that we need to be good stewards of God's money and just Trust and He provided the encouragement the next two days in a row! So now we will begin the process of meeting with our board of directors tonight, praying and continue to trust God which family HE wants here not us but HIM. So if you could, please join us in prayer the next couple weeks which family God would have join us!
Thank you God for allowing us to be a part of this FAITH ministry! It has been an awesome ride!
Trusting HIM,