Wednesday, June 29, 2011

F.ully R.ely O.n G.od!

So thankful that no matter what we are going through we have God who we can fully rely on!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


P. ray for these three young men as they are off to a youth camp this week.

R. ejoice with us as we can see the good in their hearts.

A. ccept this challenge to pray for these boys weekly so they can become mighty MEN of God!

Y. ell out to our Father up above on our behalf as we go into transitioning these boys into Jim and I's home shortly after they come back from this camp. The Clarks will be leaving soon moving onto another chapter in their life. We just trust that God will go with the Clarks and help them to move on in their new chapter but to never forget the impact they made in these three boys lives. We love these boys and we want to help them through this transition and want them to be ready for the next transition when NEW houseparents come along side of us. This will be a major transition in all of our lives here at the ranch so please join with us and PRAY!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The LORD God, my God, is with us!

1 Chronicles 28:20 (NIV) "David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished."

Are we strong? We try to be! Are we courageous? Most of the time. Do we work? Well according to Jim Fry, work is spelled F-U-N! So we have FUN! We know beyond a doubt that our God is with us and HE wants to complete the work of this ministry. So we are not going to quit and will not get discouraged! We find ourselves once again in a situation of WAITING for God to bring another couple along side of us. We are very thankful for the Clarks and their help in this ministry and they will be missed. They aren't moving too far away; however, their presence out here on the ranch will be missed. Thank you Dave & Kerry for all you have done out here with the boys in the last year!

So please join up with us in this ministry looking for the couple that God has in mind for this position. The three boys that are living with the Clarks will be moving over with us sometime in July until God sends the family that he has already prepared for the ranch!

Trusting HIM,