Sunday, November 7, 2010

How do you spell work?

This is the picture I captured the other day. When these boys come to the ranch most of them have no work experience, especially farm work. Most of the boys we work with will probably not attend college, because it is a struggle just to get them through high school. So we feel other than teaching them about Jesus the next important thing is to teach them how to work. It is so rewarding to see how good they feel about themselves when they see what they accomplish. I heard one of the boys tell somebody today at church I did three new things yesterday....Bail hay, drive a skid loader and carry a 3 hour old baby calf. Jim's favorite saying is "How do you spell work? F - U - N!" It sounds like this boy had fun while he was working because he shared with somebody else. When these boys bail hay and milk cows they get paid, other work around the farm is just helping out and used as a teaching tool. When Jim pays them he grades them for how hard they work and they get a grade. Sometimes the boys may have to pay the ranch $1.00 an hour if it was a really bad job. (I guess that would be the bad check) We can't fire them and this teaches them how to work. As you will see in the next picture our dog DEUCE try's to make all the work fun. He is anxiously waiting for them to throw a dirt clod so he can catch it and bring it back to them. When I took this picture of the boys they were just doing a work job to help with a building project that we are in the middle of. However, it made me think of one of the consequences we sometimes use. If they can't get along with someone in school or at home, we have them dig a hole for the hole they put themselves in. So I am also sharing a scripture with this picture too.

Working for the Lord,


Renegades said...

Nice scripture to go along with your photos. The first is my favorite.

Katie said...

This was a great post!! And how cool that one of the boys shared his work experiences with someone. I think it's great that you acknowledge that some kids just won't go to college, and you prepare them for that!

Rosie Nixon Fluerty said...

This was a great read - those boys don't realise it but you are teaching them such great life skills practically and spiritually.

Karen said...

What wonderful life lessons being taught. I love the verse you put with the picture. I pray you all will be blessed for making a difference in these boys lives!

gemini said...

This would be a rewarding blessing for the boys and you....I've worked with boys who really need encouragement and work is a therapy.

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

I love the first pictures with the verse. It really is a great message.